Aurora Wide Spread As Seen From The Foothills and Western North Carolina On The Nights of May 10th and 11th 2024: My Backyard Is At +35º 15 minutes, North Latitude: But This Is Not The First Time I’d Seen The Northern Lights

On the night of May 10th 2024, beginning at about 11:00 PM and lasting a couple or more hours. The northern lights enveloped the entire northeastern part of sky with a brilliant red color from my backyard . The Aurora Borealis is rarely seen this far south.

However, this is not the first time I’d seen the Northern Lights from my backyard.

The following photos were made on the night of May 10th 2024, beginning at 11:30 and shortly after midnight. I was using an iPhone 14 with 3-second exposures, and being handheld.

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