July 2024 Observer’s Challenge Object #186: NGC 6058: Planetary Nebula In Hercules

NGC 6058 – Planetary Nebula – Hercules 

Date:  June 11, 2024

Telescope:  10-inch f/4.5 EQ Newtonian 

Sketch Magnification:  208x

Field-of-View:  0.39º

My first impression of this planetary was that it has the appearance of a faint galaxy, with a faint halo and a brighter core.  

An interesting feature, which helped me to locate this planetary was being encapsulated in a triangle of stars. 

NGC 6058 presents itself as very small, faint, mostly round with a central star.  The nebula surface brightness is fairly bright, not well concentrated, but easy to see with direct vision.  The central star can be seen intermittently, but requires averted vision.   

NGC 6058, is a small planetary in Hercules (only 40 arc seconds) 11,500 LY away. At mag. 13, but easily seen because emitted light is concentrated.  The following Image with taken with my 32-inch f/6.5 relay telescope, 2.5 hours of imaging time total. 

NB filters of O3 and Ha used, very bright in O-111, especially thus the intense blue color.  I attempted some S2, but it was a very weak signal, and therefore not used.

Combined and processed in Pixinsight. some interesting detail seen.

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