The 3rd Annual Spruce Pine Alien Festival: Saturday, June 8th 2024: It Was A Great And Fun Day…Can’t Wait For Next Year!

This was my first time to attend the “Spruce Pine Alien Festival” and so glad I was able to go. What a day it was! I passed by many “Real Space Aliens” but was just unaware at the time.

So here are some photos from the day:

26,000 people attended this one day event last year, and I feel sure there were more or at least as many this year. I had to park at least 1/2 mile away and walk to the downtown area, however, I didn’t mind this at all.

Pictured below: A beautiful Pure Crystal Ball made from Spruce Pine Quartz. Absolutely incredible, and amazing. The finest Quartz in the world comes from Spruce Pine. Computer chips for cars, computers and anything where they are used are made from Spruce Pine quartz.

And also the first mirror that was manufactured for the 200-inch Hale Telescope was made from this quartz. Unfortunately the mirror cracked during the process before completion and another one was made from a new process or material at that time, known as Pyrex. This glass was better able to handle the incredibly heat needed during the manufacturing process.

“Rocks And Things” have an unbelievable stock of collectable rocks, minerals, fossils and anything you can imagine. They have a brick and mortar store and been in business for many years in Spruce Pine.

This incredible quartz ball can be purchased from “Rocks And Things” at (828-765-1667). This is a one of kind item, so consider purchasing while it’s still available. I just didn’t seem to have enough cash in my pocket today. 🙂

Spruce Pine, North Carolina: How It became a part of astronomy history via The Chestnut Flats Mine, due to the incredibly pure Quartz which was used in the manufacture of the first 200-Inch Hale Telescope mirror. As mentioned previously (above) unfortunately that first mirror cracked during the manufacturing process.

Historic photo from days past of the Chestnut Flats mine as following: Photo credit: Mitchell County Historical Society

I found the following article by David Biddix, a Spruce Pine native, who shares some very interesting information. This is not the complete article.

Alex Glover…is the Director of Mining and Environment for Active Minerals International, LLC. He is a licensed professional geologist in nine southeastern states in the United States and has lived in the Spruce Pine area since 1997. He is interested both in the geology of the Spruce Pine Mining District and in its history, which goes back some 170 years.

….I’ve always wondered why ore from the Chestnut Flats Mine near Spruce Pine was chosen for the telescope’s mirror. Recently, I had a discussion with Alex Glover, a local geologist and mining historian who is very familiar with what is known as the Spruce Pine Mining District, a 10 mile-long, 5 mile-wide outcropping of rock from early in earth’s history that contains some of the purest minerals in the world and is the economic lifeblood of this region. This purity was the reason Corning Glass came to this region to find materials for the mirror. Alex speaks about what types of minerals are found in the district….

I purchased the following quartz specimens, pictured on the table below from “Rocks And Things.” Possibly even from the Chestnut Flats Mine, likely in very close proximity to the famous mine, or at least in the same vein of rock. Roger Ivester

Mayland Community College has the largest public use telescope in the southeastern US. The telescope is a 34-inch short focal length Newtonian.

Click on the following link to learn more about Bare Dark Sky Observatory:

Solar telescopes provided by North Carolina Amateur Astronomers, and friends of mine for many years. Steve Davis and Don Brooks. Don is pictured on the far left in the above photo.

Below: Amateur Astronomer Steve Davis and his wife Tracy: Steve is a proud owner of one of the Takahashi Refractor Telescopes shown with special solar filters.

Takahashi Refractor Telescopes pictured below with special solar filters. Nice professional telescopes for sure!

After not eating anything all day, I decided to stop at Western Sizzlin’ Steak House in Spruce Pine, for a delicious meal. Despite a large and overflowing crowd, I was able to be seated quickly and with excellent service.

After looking all day for that one perfect Alien that would be a great representative for this permanent and world-wide post. I found that person at this restaurant on my way home. Her name is Teddianne. Thank you Teddianne for your kind hospitality!

I also got to meet Wanda King, the owner. My wife, Debbie and I have eaten at this restaurant on several occasions and were always pleased. Unfortunately Debbie was not able to attend the Alien Convention, due to previous commitments. Hopefully she can go with me next year. I just feel absolutely certain, Debbie will love it! 🙂

Wanda, I enjoyed talking with you, and my compliments to both you and staff for outstanding service and food.

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